This time it went to the hands of the soldiers from heroic battalion “ Azov”. The guys are very thankful. The thermal imaging device will help to find and destroy russianfacists easier. By the way in the picture is a pickup truck that we transported to the fighters of Azov battalion. The windshield was damaged by russianfacists during the last military assignment. The soldiers said that the enemy used anything they could in order to destroy them. Artillery, enemy army plane and exactly this vehicle saved their lives. More than that. Using this car the fighters destroyed the tank and two russianfacists were taking captive. Azov – you are love Our superheroes! We are very proud of you! We are happy that we can help you to kill this evil off from our native land. Friends, please don’t just pass by! Help us! We are thankful to anyone that are not indifferent! Donate to: Paypal: Glory to Azov Battalion!