5 thermal imaging monoculars for reconnaissance of the Kharkiv region

Date of application receipt: 2022-10-03

100 %
Collected: $ 3117.16  
Target: $ 5054.05

Friends we raising funds for six thermal imaging devices for army intelligence to Kharkiv region !

The days becoming shorter and night longer. The guys need eyes when it’s dark in order to see and destroy orcas.

The math here is simple : the more donations coming in , the less pigdogs 🔥🐷🐶 remaining.

Please join the good deeds!

Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine”:

💳Paypal: 2941980@gmail.com

💳IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko

💳Mono Bank: 4441114415967213 Sergii Savchenko (https://send.monobank.ua/4U7sbyZwLA)

💳Privat Bank: 5168755443067364 Tetiana Savchenko (https://cutt.ly/9Za0exL)

Пов‘язані новини:

For donations in euros
( Company name ) : БФ ВСЕ ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ БО
( IBAN Code ) : UA503052990000026003020131164
( Name of the bank ) : JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
( Bank SWIFT Code ) : PBANUA2X
( Company address ) : UA 01001 Kyiv, Kharkivske shosse 201/203
Correspondent banks
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 001-1-000080
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : CHASUS33
( Correspondent bank ) : JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 890-0085-754
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : IRVT US 3N
( Correspondent bank ) : The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 36445343
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : CITI US 33
( Correspondent bank ) : Citibank N.A., NEW YORK, USA
Bank account of the fund in Slovakia:
( IBAN Code ) : SK86 1100 0000 0029 4012 7932
( Correspondent bank ) : Tatra banka
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : TATRSKBX
( Company address ) : All4Ukraine o.z. Dubravska cesta 2, 841 04 Bratislava

History of donations

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Find your donation
Donator Sum ($) Date of donation Transfers
1002022-10-09 19:19:26
1002022-10-17 17:38:03
Marcel502022-10-26 23:01:17
Юлія2.72022-11-01 17:08:30
502022-11-26 16:00:39
Fraser202022-11-27 06:33:45
Audie Chason250200-12-01 22:15:36Transferred to "Pickup truck for the heroes from military unit 7404"
Sousa252022-12-16 20:39:56
Lincoln Shepherd502022-12-25 01:30:20
db1002022-12-27 00:20:59
Gernot Abel1002022-12-31 10:20:06
Kathy 302023-01-02 23:36:44
Jozef202023-01-18 12:58:24
1002023-01-18 22:04:23
302023-01-19 21:07:34