MAVIC 3 for exploration

Date of application receipt: 2022-09-08

100 %
Collected: $ 2053.03  
Target: $ 2053.03

Friends , just imagine what the day of our Victory will be like ! 🇺🇦❤️

What will you feel? What will you do? Who would you call first?

Is in it true,  it’s a cool feeling?

We can give you an idea how to make this day come sooner , donate to our army intelligence for quadcopter MAVIC 3. 

The guys now are located to Donetsk region. They do everything possible and impossible that we would feel the taste of our future Victory. 

We will be able to raise money for this bird very quickly if everyone will donate around $ 2 -$4 and will repost this post. 

Don’t just pass by our united work is very important ❤️ 🙏. 

Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” : 


💳IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko

💳Mono Bank: 4441114415967213 Sergii Savchenko (

💳Privat Bank: 5168755443067364 Tetiana Savchenko (

Glory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!💪💙💛

Пов‘язані новини:

For donations in euros
( Company name ) : БФ ВСЕ ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ БО
( IBAN Code ) : UA503052990000026003020131164
( Name of the bank ) : JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
( Bank SWIFT Code ) : PBANUA2X
( Company address ) : UA 01001 Kyiv, Kharkivske shosse 201/203
Correspondent banks
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 001-1-000080
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : CHASUS33
( Correspondent bank ) : JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 890-0085-754
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : IRVT US 3N
( Correspondent bank ) : The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 36445343
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : CITI US 33
( Correspondent bank ) : Citibank N.A., NEW YORK, USA
Bank account of the fund in Slovakia:
( IBAN Code ) : SK86 1100 0000 0029 4012 7932
( Correspondent bank ) : Tatra banka
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : TATRSKBX
( Company address ) : All4Ukraine o.z. Dubravska cesta 2, 841 04 Bratislava

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Donator Sum ($) Date of donation Transfers
Craig Atkins aka @BridgesRocket202022-10-09 19:25:05
Зібрана сума 2033.032022-10-19 10:55:59