A drone for the 43rd separate artillery brigade

Date of application receipt: 2022-07-07

100 %
Collected: $ 1945.95  
Target: $ 1945.95

Everyday we receive sad news about Kharkiv . The enemy at random flatting the apartment buildings, schools and kindergartens.Everyday there are wounded and dead .Kharkiv region is the leader in destructed infrastructure after Mariupol…Friends, we received a request from the guys for the 43rd brigade. They are defending Kharkiv today. In order to perform air intelligence the military needs a drone. It’s the eyes of our military. Without this bird to give tickets to Kobzon ( russian supported performer) concern is difficult.They raised by themselves around $ 1000 but the drone costs around around $ 2400.We found the quadcopter need it. In order to purchase it we need around $ 1400 more. It’s a big amount. But it is possible if each of our subscribers will donate around $1.Can you imagine even $1 is enough if it is a lot of us!Friends, please don’t just pass by .Let’s collect money for our guys for very need it bird. They promising us a great pictures from a Kobzon concert.Please repost this post and help us financially.Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” :IBAN SK8111000000002936108536Sergii SavchenkoPaypal: 2941980@gmail.comGlory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!

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For donations in euros
( Company name ) : БФ ВСЕ ДЛЯ УКРАЇНИ БО
( IBAN Code ) : UA503052990000026003020131164
( Name of the bank ) : JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", 1D HRUSHEVSKOHO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINE
( Bank SWIFT Code ) : PBANUA2X
( Company address ) : UA 01001 Kyiv, Kharkivske shosse 201/203
Correspondent banks
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 001-1-000080
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : CHASUS33
( Correspondent bank ) : JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York ,USA
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 890-0085-754
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : IRVT US 3N
( Correspondent bank ) : The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
( Account in the correspondent bank ) : 36445343
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : CITI US 33
( Correspondent bank ) : Citibank N.A., NEW YORK, USA
Bank account of the fund in Slovakia:
( IBAN Code ) : SK86 1100 0000 0029 4012 7932
( Correspondent bank ) : Tatra banka
( SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank ) : TATRSKBX
( Company address ) : All4Ukraine o.z. Dubravska cesta 2, 841 04 Bratislava

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