We want to thank the company “BioVit” for your big contribution to the health of Ukrainian military! These amazing people delivered to the Kriviy Rig hospital number 2 big number of minerals and vitamins. Specifically B-complex, iron supplements, ginkgo boloba and other supplements.All these supplements help to quickly renew the health of our heroes after injuries and traumas.Doctors, military and all of us want to say thank you for your unbelievable care and help for our guys .Because the life and health of our heroes is our highest priority!Friends, the company “BioVit” it’s an amazing example of how Ukrainian business helping in the fight with our enemy.Please don’t just pass by but join the good deeds!We want to remind you that we still raising funds for the walkie-talkies for the guys from the 54th brigade.We are thankful to everyone that joining us and asking you to do this all the time if you can! Until we will receive our victory!Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” :IBAN SK8111000000002936108536Sergii SavchenkoPaypal: 2941980@gmail.comGlory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!