Friends , let it be at least some good news today.Van for the border guards of Special Forces located to Luhansk region is bought and transported! It was not the donations but the love of the people It’s very pleasing to know that so many caring people supported our border guards. Someone donated $1 and someone else donated $100. Others reposted the post and someone else supported us with motivational comments.The result is – the van bought and transported.Now they have something that they can use to transport something that russianfacists will not like!Guys thank you for everything you do for all of us We are very sure that with this vehicle your combat assignments will be even more effective.Russianfacists muzzles still didn’t get who are Ukrainians. You can not scare us!Every russian racket makes us even stronger , and the hate for them much bigger We believe that our Ukrainian Armed Forces will take revenge for all of us over orcas and everything they did.And we will direct all of our hate for russianfacists for the help of our military.Friends, please join the fight of the people for peaceful sky and Victory over russianfacism.Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” :IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko Paypal: 2941980@gmail.comGlory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!