Attention Giveaway


Friends, in the sign of how grateful we are of everyone that supporting our military. We decided not to keep the stamp for ourselves but to give it away to our subscribers. The giveaway of mailing stamp “ russian war ship …all” with the signature of Roman Gribov is declared open All of the funds received will go to the purchase of an ambulance for medical military unit number A7030.The rules are: 1. Subscribe to our page on Facebook or Instagram Make a donation: Starting from $6 on this account : IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii SavchenkoPayPal: number of donations are not limited. The more you donate. The more chances you have to win. Example : $30 it’s five donations ( in the giveaway your last name will be mentioned five times among the participants).3. It’s necessary in the comments on our Facebook page to put photo proof of payment ( print screen from your phone) so we could identify you easier if you will win 4. Registration of participants will be active from June 20th to June 30th of 2022. The finally of giveaway and determining a winner will happen live on the page “ All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine “ in Facebook on July 1st in 10:00 am Ukrainian time in service https://www.random.orgThe sending of the mailing stamp will be at the expense of a winner. All of the funds from a mailing stamp with signature from Roman Gribov will be spend on the ambulance for medical military unit number A7030.We believe that the words written on the stamp will foretell the future for all of the russianfacists world. And very soon to all of them will be “ all…” .Friends to do good deeds is easier than you can imagine .Subscribe to our page ( Facebook and Instagram) repost the post and take part in the giveaway!Let luck smile at everyone!Glory to Ukrainian Armed Forces! 

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