Our good person – Alexander


National polls state that around 44% of Ukrainians are separated as families because of the war….It is even hard to imagine what they feel when they leave their families at the train stations and borders for unspecified term We are thankful to all the countries that warmly welcome our forced refugees. And feel sorry for everyone that had to temporarily leave their relatives and homes.Today we want to tell you about one more good person that helping our army. He’s name is Oleksandr.-My name is Oleksandr. Many years I work in the furniture industry of Ukraine. My own war started when I had to say goodbye to my wife and my children which evacuated abroad. From that very moment I dream of hugging them. I help our army that we could clean out our land from this russianfacists evil. From these cowards “ second “ army in the world. I dream of hugging my kids and I want for all the families to be together again!- told us Oleksandr.Oleksandr we are very grateful for your unbelievable support of our fighters and your sincere desire for win over russianfacism  You are an example of how you have to fight for the most precious – peaceful sky above the heads of our children.We believe that soon every Ukrainian family will reunite!And also we believe in Ukrainian Armed Forces very much. They do everything possible that it could happen soon enough .Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” :IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko Paypal: 2941980@gmail.comGlory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!

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