A war horse for the 3rd Rifle Battalion was delivered


Friends, one more request for the pickup truck for our heroes is closed! As of now the car is getting “special” service and very soon will fly to where “ the hottest”.Just imagine how much useful things this combat horse will do on the frontlines! It will drive the personal. Carry food and ammunition. And also it will drive the wounded from the battlefield  .We are very happy that we could help the guys from the 3rd shooting battalion . And we truly believe that specially this vehicle will save a lot of Ukrainians and will help to kick out russianfacists scoundrels from our land.Friends, we want to remind you that without your participation we wouldn’t be able to help the military. Every need is fulfilled thanks to your active participation! Please remember this.On this positive note we continue working and do everything possible so our military would have less necessities.Together to Victory! Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” : Paypal: 2941980@gmail.com

Glory to Ukrainian Armed Forces! 

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