We launched a telegram channel

Friends, catch the news from us!
We launched the "Near Zero" Telegram channel. There we post content we get from our military friends at ground zero and near ground zero. These are live stories, thoughts, photos and videos of the military themselves about the war, their lives, the realities of war...
The channel was created for you, friends, as a platform where our soldiers can show what war is and how to live, work, make friends and fight for freedom on the front line.
Subscribe to the "Near Zero" channel and share it with your friends:
Paypal: 2941980@gmail.com
IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko
Mono Bank: 4441114415967213 Sergii Savchenko (https://send.monobank.ua/4U7sbyZwLA)
Privat Bank: 5457082504633780 Tetiana Savchenko (https://www.privat24.ua/send/0lj5q)
Binance ID: 442200923