Mavick 3T delivered to the 82nd Brigade

A very powerful bird (drone) 🦅 flew to the 82nd brigade!
Friends, the military tell us that drones are the basis of the current war. There is no way without them at the frontlines. And it`s also very expensive☹️.
But no money in the world is worth the lives of our heroes.
We ask you this Saturday morning (and not only) to invite our defenders for coffee 🙏.
We can`t do it without you.
Let`s keep working!
💳IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko
💳Mono Bank: 4441114415967213 Sergii Savchenko (
💳Privat Bank: 5457082504633780 Tetiana Savchenko (
💳Binance ID: 442200923