Subscription service for a monthly subscription to help AFU



We want to tell you explosive news 🔥🔥🔥. 

We started a subscription service for a monthly subscription to help AFU! 

If you have a possibility to support our defenders on a regular bases. We offering you a subscription with a possible donation that will fulfill the needs of our military every months. 

What you need to do ? 

1. Go on our website:

2. Put in a possible amount and monthly subscription choice: with bank account or PayPal. 

3. You will feel part of the most important day for every Ukrainian- our common Victory. 

Friends, this type of help from you means regular funds for a possibility of planing and buying everything necessary for our defenders. 

And also it’s a comfortable service that will be responsible for the very important task . It will help our military every month 🙏❤️. 

Join us!

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