Drones, a thermal imager and a pickup truck are already on the front lines


The vehicle for our military already delivered to Piski !

We also delivered thermal imaging device and two drones with a car. This is a result of our united work of caring people. One drone and thermal imaging device were sent by the military and one more drone came from a girl name Varya who we wrote about yesterday .

We are thankful to everyone that joined us by completing this request. Also separate thank you to Ivan that delivered the vehicle and devices to this very dangerous place. He is a fearless man and real hero .

We want to be honest it’s very hard for the guys there. But besides everything they bravely defending our land and doing everything to kick out russianfacists from Ukraine.

Our defenders we are very proud of you ! Please be safe and please know that we are all waiting on you very much .

We continue working!

Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” :

IBAN SK8111000000002936108536
Sergii Savchenko
Paypal: 2941980@gmail.com

Glory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!

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