Our good man is Karl
all the cars that we deliver to the military are always in a good condition. For us it’s very important! Our guys have to perform their combat assignments and not worry if the car will make it to positions.
Look at the picture below this text.
Handsome man ( on the left) he’s name is Carl he is from Slovakia. He often conducts technical reviews of the cars and all the repairs he does for free we only pay for parts . For us it’s a great help because repairs it’s a separate story .
Karl thank you for your powerful support of our military! Thanks to you our guys can even more effectively fight the enemy.
You - are Ukrainian by spirit
Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine”:
IBAN SK8111000000002936108536
Sergii Savchenko
Paypal: 2941980@gmail.com
Glory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!