Meet our team – Anatoly Andriyovych Gora


Friends, we want to say thank you to everyone who support Ukrainian Armed Forces through our foundation All4Ukraine. We all do one common task is to bring our Victory closer!

Today we want to tell you about one special person.

Anatoliy Andriyovich Gora 

– My name is Anatoliy Andriyovich I’m the director of the furniture manufacturing company. I started to help our military from the first day of full scale invasion. Today we all have to do this, each one of us whatever we can: at work and off work. My great grandfather served, my two grandparents fought as well. My parents lived through Second World War. But for this evil that russian occupiers do in our cities now, I never heard from any of my loved ones. This never happened in any other war. Now I know what is war, my children and also my small grandchildren know about it as well….You look at these scary eyes of children and you have no words to explain to them what is going on.We have to fight so there will be no more war. I want for us to defend our country one and for all. So no one would never even think about going to our land with weapons. For our lives and the future of our children it’s worth to fight – shared his thoughts with us Anatoliy Andriyovich.

Anatoliy Andriyovich thank you for your constant and very powerful support of our heroes  . With your help we will have the peaceful sky above the heads of our children.

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Glory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!

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