Anti-scald napkins have been delivered to the front line


Friends, burn shields delivered to the medical unit of 17th tank brigade!This medical supplies have to be in every military first aid kit. It is helping in inflammations and help with pain due to burning. Also providing antimicrobials and antiseptic effect which helps in healing of any type of wounds.To be honest to order these burn shields were a challenge in itself Our Taniya Savchenko made a lot of effort in order to find them for our guys. And helped us with task a Polish company Burn Care Polska and unbelievable Anna Mossakowska-Ziemniak. The price was very great and the team fully paid for shipping to Ukraine!Our dear Polish friends! We will never forget your amazing support of Ukrainians in fight against russianfacists.Poland it’s Love  .Thank you for everything!Donate to foundation “All4Ukraine-Support Ukraine” :IBAN SK8111000000002936108536 Sergii Savchenko Paypal: 2941980@gmail.comGlory to Ukrainian Armed Forces!

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